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Sandra Faulkner is an author/writer/editor and jury consultant.  She earned a BA in Fine Arts, before entering a Ph.D. program at Stanford University, where she spent four years as a student of Law and Sociology. 


While most people know that jury consultants are social scientists who assist with voir dire, or jury selection, they are less aware of their role as storytellers.  Litigation scientists help attorneys turn legal facts into plausible stories, rich with conflict and differing POVs. Both sides use jury consultants as a crucial part of a litigation team, and all things being equal, a well crafted story helps a jury to follow the facts and reach a fair and favorable verdict.  

Sandra spent three years as Artist in Residence at The University of California where she translated three of Shakespeare's plays into American Sign Language. The challenge was to convey the meaning and grace of Shakespeare's work into a language that was neither spoken nor written. Sandra performed the translated text, on stage, with actors from the Royal Shakespeare Company. 


A dancer, choreographer and musician from an early age she has been a life long strudent of composition.  

Her first book,written straight out of graduate school,was Love Match,a national bestseller,(USA Today...) based on a celebrity trial.


Sandra lives on the coast of California and shares her desk with her lynx Ragdoll cat.